Wednesday, May 02, 2007
you really dont know what you've got til its gone.
(i know i've abandoned this blog, and i've moved blogs twice, but on one hand i dont like the secrecy of those blogs, and on the other hand nobody reads this blog anymore, not even me. i'd forgotten about its existence before today:D)
MIDYEARS ARE COMING WHAT THE HELL): but hey, i really wanna finish this post.i miss you guys
kailin i miss you loads, m'dear. i miss having someone to bitch with, and hang out with; go out with, and everything.! the longlong walks to the toilet- i dontknow, just someone to depend on to go with:D like jiaxuan said, we always hung out together(:
hoongyan you(: fangirling about just about whatever cute guy there is on tv! i miss you too, even though i think we only started smsing each other this year(:
chloe chloe dear; ah i dont know how to say this! you've changed): we've all changed, i guess. but we still love you and everything okay. my yearmate!:D
phoebe you morally-upright totally sure of yourself girl:D i miss you loads too, you bimbo!
gayle even though you werent in my class last year, i think we talked more last year compared to this year=x ahh. i miss you too, you crazy skinny balafreak:D
(im so happy we're gonna have outings, you guys!)
TWOTEN i really, REALLY miss you. i miss the people; i miss the spirit. i miss how everyone's cliqued up but accepts each other. how we're all different but alike, and how you can just go ahead and talk to someone from a totally different clique and still sound like really good friends.
sectwo i miss sec2 in general. MUCHMUCHMUCH less homework and WAY less stress.
fiona fionachew you childish girl(: i miss our immaturity, now we're so grown up yknow! (okay maybe we're still a lil childish:D but not as much as in the past):
pippy charmaine lee! i miss fiona and your cutesy-ness! aah. i hate growing up.
redcross ohgod. can you believe i used to be so crazy-enthu? i've changed=/ i've kinda lost the
passion. and i really kinda hate that, but theres nothing i can do about it now.
ndp thankyou for giving me a chance to be elitist me. damn i really kinda miss the whole experience. CLIQUEDUP(:
jiejun i miss your lameness(: and our late night conversations and the MAPLING.
maple ohgod you stupid stupid addictive thing. (okay i think i've officially gone crazy:D im talking to a computer game! HELLO JOYCEONG WHATS WRONG WITH YOU.)
elian you lamer(: AHLIAN.
ming oh gosh i dont know where to start! you're the best friend i've ever made on maple:D and my best guy friend like, ever. i miss talking to you and bitching with you and how you always stand my whining:D its totally okay because you have nats coming up and o levels. but-yeah. im sorry that in a way we kinda ended off on a bad note, with the loss of your account (KHORIUM.3) but well yeah.
i miss my maple): in a way, i dont have time for maple. like woah these few weeks have just been WHOOSHING by with all the homework. god.):
oh and as a side note, sec3 aint all bad. im REALLY thankful for my cmps group, stella yishan waiian jolene:D you guys are awesome, LETS GO TO AUSTRAILIA, BABY. and 315 aint all bad lah. and thankyou jingxiao, you're a GREAT seatmate. and rachel too(: im sorry im always so quiet and reclusive in class. but you really tried and i feel so bad!
(i dont care! come june holidays, joyce ong is gonna get her life back:D)